I personally have been working to improve my hair and skin using a new high frequency machine, which although not cheap, was definitely worth every penny. It has improved my skin and helps with clearing breakouts. Here it is on Amazon.

High Frequency Machine has multiple attachments and has a wand you can use for your hair. Running it through your hair 10 days straight then periodically will help to stimulate your scalp and will promote healthier hair growth.


My new go to for relieving stress in the body and promoting collagen is using the traditional Chinese cupping technique using silicone cups at home. You can go here to amazon to purchase the cups. Silicone Cups for Purchase

Cupping benefits are the following:

  • Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions.

  • Reduce painful trigger points.

  • Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation.

  • Relieve pain.

  • Promote mobility and range of motion.

  • Improves mature scars.

  • Decrease toxins.


The most talked about color technique in Hollywood at the moment is...if you guessed Balayage, you are right! Balayage is a french word that means to sweep or to paint. The technique involves the stylist doing just that, painting on the hair in a sweeping motion to create natural sun kissed highlights. The difference often noticed between foil highlights and Balayage is the grow out period, where foil hilights tend to be very noticable as the roots grow in, but balayaged hair grows out seamlessly.

The Worlds Fastest Smoothie

        The most important things that you should be ingesting is fresh greens and fresh juices. Often times we have limited time to make a salad, and are unable to ingest the proper amount nutrients that we need to help ward of diseases. This smoothie is quick to make, every morning it takes me only 5 minutes to blend. Fully fueled and ready to charge through the day, I know I have had my intake of vital nutrition to support my system. You will love the taste as well! So go ahead and sneak some naughty food at the end of your night, knowing you gave your body everything it needs for energy, healthy and inner glow.

Below is a link to the silicone muffin cups



 So the pic above is my juice in the fridge when I am ready to freeze them.

I call them "nuggets" . One is a juice and the other a smoothie. They both are amazing combed together because one is more bitter and the other sweeter.

The Juice

In the juice I usually include beets, carrots, celery, ginger and apple. You can add and subtract from that list to include what is available.

I normally juice an make the smoothie on alternating schedules so I don't have to make everything at once. When a huge batch of smoothie I normally make it and freeze it on the same day to preserve the nutrients.

The Smoothie

In the smoothie I include water, spinach, kale, parsley, arugula, broccoli, dill, flaxseed mix, bee pollen, spirulina, heap seed hearts, coco powder and berries (black, raspberry,  blueberry, acai).  That is also a sample list, you can add and subtract as you wish. Greens are vital to your health and getting a daily sizing of it in your juice every morning will help prevent diseases.

Preparing the Smoothie

It takes 1 minute to make this movie. For those who say you don't have time to make breakfast you will be able to make this so fast you won't even know what to do with your spare time...that's always good. After I have frozen my juice and smoothie nuggets they are easy to combine together into a smoothie.

Final Step

Take one of each and combine with coconut or hemp milk, kiefer, yogurt or orange juice....and voila! Experiment with other liquids to mix with. You can also add cologne powder and whey powder.

10 Must Haves

1. Olive Oil – All right, so everyone has heard of all the amazing benefits of olive oil, but few people actually consume enough of it! Add a good dousing of it on your salads.  One of the key benefits to those wishing to look their best are the nourishing qualities that help to produce shiny and strong hair and healthy looking skin. In addition to olive oil I would suggest cod fish oil or other fish oils which can help prevent tooth decay!

2. Grapefruit – Speed up your metabolism with this fat burning fruit.

3. Dark Chocolate – With the amount healthy nutrients and antioxidants, this snack not only helps to elevate your mood but can keep your blood pressure in check too. Now that’s something to be cheerful about.

4. Collagen Powder – Add to any juice, and drink to healthy skin, nails and hair!

5. Bananas – Secret behind this nutrient rich fruit is to wait to eat them till they are really ripe since they develop into an even richer snack.

6. Kefir – Home made kefir is simple to make and the grains will provide you an endless supply that keeps on growing. With all the healthy bacteria, your gut will thank you!  I bought my start kit on amazon.

7.  Sauerkraut – Another dish that makes your stomach sing songs of joy.  Incredibly easy to make.  A couple cabbage heads, salt and jars give you the perfect side condiment to any dish. Did I mention how delicious it is?

8. Wild Caught Fish – With all the omega 3 fatty acids, it will keep all your body running smoothly and can give your hair and skin moisture it needs.

9. Resveratrol – Shown to stop obesity, cancer and extend life Resveratrol can help your health in a multitude of ways. Can be bought in supplement form but wine contains the same ingredients just to a lesser amount. A glass in the evening is perfect way to relax and reap the health benefits and there is a 20 to 30 percent lower risk of coronary artery disease.

10.  Avocados – Buying an avocado should is actually easy, since they are can be bought just about anywhere and do not need to be organic since their strong outer shell protects them from all sorts of bugs. One study showed that adding avocado or avocado oil to either salad or salsa can increase antioxidant absorption by 2.6 to 15-fold. So… not only is avocado highly nutritious, it can dramatically increase the nutrient value of other plant foods that you are eating.

Guide to Grooming at Home

Guide to Grooming at Home


If you happened upon this article I wish to say thank you first of for reading and you can skip to any pertinent information to you using the guide below.

1.  FDA and Harsh Chemicals

2. Natural Hair Care

3. Importance of Shampooing

4. Fine/Flat Hair

5. Curly/Thick Hair

6. Prior to Hair Washing and Treatments

1. FDA and Harsh Chemicals

There is an ecosystem that you must maintain on your scalp. Most hairstylists don’t have time, ability or knowledge to express the information that I have compiled. This guide is for anyone who seeks to really know more about there hair and how to create an easy low maintenance wash and style routine that will revitalize broken and damaged hair, bring back curl and prevent further lose.

Let’s talk about products and harsh chemicals. The FDA has yet to really regulate beauty products and certain toxic chemicals found in hair glues and straighteners, such as formaldehyde, styrene, trichloroethylene, have been linked to cancer, liver damage and dermatitis.  Brazilian Blowout, even when labeled formaldehyde free still has formaldehyde in it because FDA does not approve products before they hit the shelves and they don’t require manufacturers to list the ingredients of professional salon products. That means that the ingredients listed could be falsified. The FDA also cannot recall bad products because that is not within their power. The FDA only now has started to regulate cosmetic advertisements that claim they alter body functions or structure, such as slimming a face or legs, and those that talk about results of using a product by citing medical research – but with no supporting evidence. Basically, don’t believe everything you read, especially on a beauty product

We will never be free of all hazards as long as were breathing NYC air, but if we make a couple of smart choices we have been at least been proactive. The way we can be empowered and stay informed is by looking up ingredients and products through http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ and knowing what health effect they have us and stop the abuse of our bodies by beauty products companies. They have a full list of ingredients to avoid.

2. Natural Hair Care

Natural hair is for everyone. It is the hair that you were born with. It is hair that has not been altered through hot combs, flat irons, chemicals(perming, relaxing, or other straightening methods).

Coming for a hairstylist background in ethnically diverse Brooklyn and having worked with all types of hair I come to inform you that texture and thickness is the only thing that’s a dividing factor between peoples hair.  Depending on these two factors there are different underlying differences but the thing that matters most is that how we treat our hair.  Natural products and informed decisions are pillars to healthy hair and bodies.

Everyone wants hair that looks thick, full, shiny, and breakage free. Healthy hair is possible with preventive measures and healing remedies. Hair breakage, lose and dandruff are some of the conditions I have seem the most in my time as a hairstylist and I would love to teach you from my own personal experience and my clients experiences what works.

3. Importance of Shampooing

We all like the clean feeling but what we don’t like is when the products we’ve been using cause our scalps to flake and feel dry. I am a proponent of cleansing your scalp and washing your hair in moderation. It is highly important to remove debris from off your scalp so that hair can grow unencumbered.

Not all shampoos are safe to use and you should look carefully at the label for the least chemical laden product ingredients.

“Sulfates, either sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). Used as a surfactant and foaming agent, sodium laurel sulfate is a strong skin irritant and produces nitrosamine, a substance linked to cancer formation.
Hair needs to be shampooed or cleansed weekly or bi weekly for curls because your skin cells begin to shed and product will build up which means you need to clean your scalp of the buildup so your hair can grow from the follicle.
Depending on your hair texture, previous routine and scalps recovery back to a more all natural routine you can use different types of cleansing methods.  You can adjust to your needs.There are alternative ways to cleans your scalp and that includes using oils, apple cider vinegar, or a light conditioner (aka no poo) to cleans the scalp,

Please search below to find a section that is applicable to your needs.

4. Fine/Flat hair!

What I have discovered for myself with fine hair is that it is important for me to wash out the gunk but it is nice when I allow the gunk to build for it to help me build volume. For those with curly or frizzy dry hair your steps to manageable curls follow.

Washing your Hair

I have an organic shampoo, a homemade apple cider rinse, clarifying shampoo, light conditioner and a treatment conditioner. I use these for different purposes to keep my hair clean and healthy. If you have money...splurge on Pureology combo, hydrating shampoo and light conditioner.

 Step 1:  After several days to a week, you will want to wash your hair. Please don’t wash your hair every other day. Your scalp becomes greasy after frequent shampooing because you are over stimulating the follicles which produce sebum (natural oil). There will be times when your hair is heavy and dull in which case you should wash it with a clarifying shampoo. Otherwise an organic non sulfate shampoo will cleanse without over stripping your hair.

Side note: If you go to the gym a lot and you get sweaty, you may feel the need to shampoo your hair every single day but it could be what’s causing your hair to be oily or damaged. As well as stripping your hair of  color.

Also,  think about how much time you spend shampooing your hair! You can opt out of shampooing by just letting your hair down and air drying it after the gym or blast it with a blow dryer to get it dry. Sweat will not make your hair flat; it is actually salty like sea salt spray and can make your hair more textured if you let it dry properly.

Alternatively; if you cant stand the sweat, can rinse your hair with just water and apply a light conditioner on just the ends.


Wash it with no poo or a light conditioner.


I have found an apple cider rinse a perfect solution to sweaty hair. Mix 1 part apple cider to 1 part water and add peppermint essential oil to mask the smell and make your scalp tingle! Apply it on wet hair and allow to sit for 5 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

When shampooing, separate your hair down the center so you can have access to the scalp. Do not shampoo your ends. If you are worried about your color fading you can apply a light conditioner on the ends before shampooing your scalp.

Run your favorite all natural conditioner only through your ends and rack your hair with your hands through to detangle your hair. Apply a second time for hair that is very damaged and could use some more sealant with a treatment conditioner.

5. Curly/Thick Hair!

Curly hair can be varying in texture and thickness, different kinds of porosity as well. Listening to your hair is important to helping it look its best. If your hair feels like it needs more oils and gels to keep it from flying all over the place, listen to it and apply more. Alternatively, if your hair falls limp quickly do not apply a massive amount of products and heavy oils and conditioners. The thickness of your hair is a good indicator of what it needs. The thicker the strand the more product your hair can take. The finer, the more frugal you must be.

If you have very curly hair and a dryer scalp, you can forgo washing your hair for even two weeks. Your hair can be cleansed with no poo, light conditioner or apple cider vinegar before a deep cleaning shampoo.

When shampooing, separate your hair down the center so you can have access to the scalp. Do not shampoo your ends. If you are worried about your color fading you can apply a light conditioner on the ends before shampooing your scalp.

Run your favorite all natural conditioner only through your ends and rack it through to detangle your hair. Apply a second time for hair that is very damaged and could use some more sealant.

As a curl creme, I have been hearing amazing things about Shea Moisture. Have used it on clients hair and has worked to help define curls and reduce frizz.

6. Prior to Hair Washing and Treatments

A day to 20 minutes prior to washing your hair you can apply a treatment oil to help smooth the hair and moisturize and break up any build up on the scalp. It feels amazing to touch your scalp and massage pressure points along the scalp to release tension and stress. Especially in the winter, our skin get very dry so try to give your self a treatment once or twice a week prior to a shampoo. I usually put it in at night then in the morning shampoo it out. There is no residue of the oils ever left on my hair if I shampoo it out well once. My favorite oils to use are Argan, Jojobo, Coconut, Olive Oil, Grape Seed, Sweet Almond, and Sesame. Apply your favorite essential oil into the carrier oils like peppermint, lemon, lavender, and grapefruit for additional benefits.